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Natty Gann (played by Meredith Salenger) is a twelve year old Depression era girl whose single-parent father leaves her behind in Chicago while he goes to Washington State to look for work in the timber industry. Natty runs away from the guardian she was left with to follow Dad. She befriends and is befriended by a wolf that has been abused in dog fights, hops a freight train west, and is presumed dead when her wallet is found after the train crashes. Dad gets bitter and endangers himself in his new job. Meanwhile Natty has a series of adventures and mis- adventures in various farmhouses, police stations, hobo camps, reform schools, and boxcars.
  剧情描述在《刺激》中被骗的黑社会大头子,念念不忘找寻两个老千报一箭之仇,不料反而坠入了一个拳赛骗局而不自知,整个事件有如历史重演。1940 年,大萧条结束,第二次世界大战刚刚开始。骗子之王法戈·冈多夫出狱,并重新召集他的亲信进行另一场骗局,为他的终生好友兼骗子同伴基德·科尔斯(Kid Colors)被谋杀报仇,后者被绑架、殴打,然后被枪杀。冈多夫的年轻门生杰克·胡克试图对富有的“维罗妮克伯爵夫人”实施骗局,但后者却对他实施了骗局,结果发现自己就是一个名叫维罗妮卡的骗子。冈多夫想出一场拳击骗局,他的目标是刺痛臭名昭著的银行家兼黑帮朗尼根(Lonnegan)和格斯·马卡林斯基(Gus Macalinski),洛尼根是一位臭名昭著的银行家和黑帮成员,他想为之前的骗局报仇,而格斯·马卡林斯基是当地富有的诈骗犯。他们中的一个或两个都是Kid Colors之死的幕后黑手。胡克假装自己是一名即将进行一场大战的拳击手。马卡林斯基不仅被骗损失了数十万美元,而且还被洛尼根说服改变了原来的赌注。当一个歹徒照顾另一个时,冈多夫和胡克带着装满钱的袋子、出城的车票和维罗妮卡的最后一击前往火车站。