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朱妮(洛丽泰·扬 Loretta Young 饰)是美国最著名的“老姑娘”,一次偶然中,她和一位名叫提摩西(雷·米兰德 Ray Milland 饰)的男子搭乘同一辆车回城,没想到被记者拍到了,记者将他两误认为了夫妻,在报纸上大肆报道,很快便引起了轰动。  朱妮和提摩西发现,这一误会反而给他们带来了意料之外的福利,于是决定假扮夫妻维持这个谎言,可是,知道他们真正的生活在一起后才发现,两个人无论是生活习惯还是个性上都矛盾多多,在一次又一次的摩擦和争吵中,朱妮和提摩西都感到对方令自己难以忍受,可如今他们早已骑虎难下,两人该如何处理这段斩不断理还乱的关系呢?
Astronomer Bill Whitley is so preoccupied with the new comet he's discovered that his time at the observatory sometimes comes at the expense of his beautiful wife, Vicky. When the neglected spouse becomes influenced by an eccentric neighbor into believing in the power of astrology, she subscribes to a weekly horoscope from a phony seer, the appropriately named Margaret Sybill. When the beautiful Mrs. Whitley reads that a new dream man will be coming soon into her life, she assumes he's taken the form of Lloyd Hunter, a handsome and dashing foreign correspondent who doubles as the neighborhood air raid warden. A frantic Bill realizes that he's going to have to keep closer track of his earthbound heavenly body if he's going to keep the prediction from becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy.