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记忆神探 第一季
卡莉(派琵·蒙格玛丽PoppyMontgomery饰)拥有超越常人的记忆力,她的大脑就好像一台扫描仪,将所见所闻尽数记下。可是,拥有如此强大能力的卡莉偏偏忘记了曾经姐姐被谋杀一案的细节,而这起案件也就此成为了悬案。渐渐从悲伤中走出来的卡莉重新回到了警队的凶杀组,和自己的前男友艾尔(迪伦·沃尔什DylanWalsh饰)组成了搭档,为的就是有朝一日能够破解姐姐被杀的案件。和卡莉同属凶杀组的还有麦克(MichaelGaston饰)、罗伊(凯文·兰金KevinRankin饰)和妮娜(DayaVaidya饰)等人。在一起起沾染着鲜血错综复杂的谋杀案件中,卡莉能否凭借着自己的能力将真凶一一查出呢?而她和艾尔之间未尽的缘分又将如何续写呢?《记忆神探》(Unforgettable)是由导演涅尔斯·阿登·欧普勒夫执导的犯罪悬疑剧集。剧集的编剧团队包括John Bellucci、Carl Beverly和Ed Redlich。波普伊·蒙哥马利、迪伦·沃尔什、迈克尔·加斯顿、凯文·兰金和Daya Vaidya担任主演。《记忆神探》的主要角色是Carrie Wells(由波普伊·蒙哥马利饰演),她是一名拥有极度记忆能力的前警探。Carrie能够回忆起生活中的每一个细节,包括最微小的细节,这使她成为破案的绝佳资产。剧集通过她的视角展示了犯罪调查和解决案件的过程。迪伦·沃尔什饰演剧集中的Carrie的前男友和警局的刑事侦探Al Burns。他与Carrie有着复杂的关系,两人在破案过程中紧密合作。他们之间的化学反应和紧张关系为剧集增添了戏剧性和情感张力。剧集的其他主要角色包括迈克尔·加斯顿饰演的警探Mike Costello、凯文·兰金饰演的检察官Frankie Rafferty,以及Daya Vaidya饰演的警探Nina Inara。他们在各自的领域中为故事的发展做出贡献,并与Carrie和Al一起解决复杂的犯罪案件。《记忆神探》的剧情紧凑而扣人心弦,每一集都呈现出令人惊叹和令人难以预测的情节发展。剧集通过追踪连环杀手、破解谜题和揭示隐藏的秘密来吸引观众的注意力。
Anniyan is the story of Ramanujam Ambi Iyengar (Vikram), a lawyer who suffers from Multiple Personality Disorder. Ambi is an innocent and honest lawyer. If he comes across anyone not obeying the rules he files cases against them but all his efforts go in vain.  His constant habit to be perfect in rules and honesty leads him to develop a Multiple Personality Disorder in which a new character in him grows as Anniyan (Vikram) and starts a website called to hear people's complaints. The new character, Anniyan, is a violent man. When he is Ambi and comes across a person who does not obey rules he makes complaints in his website. When he is Anniyan, he goes and kills them by methods used for torturing people in hell. He apparently takes the definition of these methods from the Garuda Purana.