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一辆老式轿车载着一男两女行驶在阳光明媚的山间公路上,谁知突如其来的车祸摧毁了看似美好的一切。不知过了多久,男人(韦斯•本特利 Wes Bentley 饰)从昏迷中醒来,此时他躺在一间空旷的大房子中央,窗边摆着医疗设备和仪器。清脆的脚步声响起,美丽而略带神秘感的女人(凯特•波茨沃斯 Kate Bosworth 饰)走到他的面前。男人似乎因车祸而大脑受创,他记不起眼前的女人是谁,而对方则声称是他的妻子。在昏睡的梦中,关于车祸的碎片时时闪现眼前,这令坠入记忆裂缝中的男人愈加无助。越是迷惑,他越是渴望了解这个家,了解他所谓曾深爱而如今却如此陌生的女子。  女人那矜持的神秘笑容背后,藏着可怕的秘密……
13岁的女孩小美(姜晋安 配音)成长于一个典型的亚裔家庭之中,家里经营着一间作为旅游景点对外开放的祠堂,祠堂里供奉着家族的祖先。小美的母亲(吴珊卓 Sandra Oh 饰)是一个对孩子关怀备至又略微有些神经质的女人,在母亲面前,小美总是扮演着乖乖女的角色,可实际上,小美和所有的同龄孩子一样,调皮、好动,并且开始对异性产生了兴趣。  在学校里,和小美玩的最好的是普利亚(麦特里伊·拉玛克里斯南 Maitreyi Ramakrishnan 配音)、米莉安姆(艾娃·摩士 Ava Morse 配音)和艾比(朴惠仁 配音)三个女孩,她们四人都是当红的偶像歌手团体4Town的迷妹。一场意外中,小美在巨大的压力之下变身成为了一只小熊猫,就此揭开了隐藏在她家族里的秘密。
沙特阿拉伯首都利雅得,密集的枪声和巨大的爆炸声撕裂了高档住宅区的宁静。针对西方人的恐怖袭击导致上百人死亡,甚至联邦特工人员也在混乱中丧生。这一事件使原本矛盾重重、暗流涌动的国际局势再次紧张起来。FBI派出探员罗纳德·弗鲁瑞(杰米·福克斯 Jamie Foxx 饰)及其小队前往沙特,他们要在5天之内找到幕后的指使者。然而调查比想象中更加困难,沙特当局似乎不愿美国插手“国家内务”,FBI探员不仅要应付恐怖分子设下的重重障碍,还要试图克服来自沙特官方的阻挠与干扰。  为了达成共有的目标,身处不同文化背景的两国调查人员渐渐达成共识,而这一时刻危险正偷偷向他们逼近……
In the series Emmanuelle in Space, Krista plays the lead role of Emmanuelle-an earth woman chosen by a group of space travelers to teach them about love, and human sexuality. Emmanuelle takes the aliens to such places as Las Vegas, Egypt, and Asia to teach them the wonders about sexuality. While doing this she forms a bond with the leader, Haffron, who falls in love with her.
LIFE ON TOP is a new erotic television series exploring the sex-filled adventures of four young women striving to make it in Manhattan.  Sophie, an ambitious but naïve business school graduate who just broke up with her college boyfriend, moves to New York intent on making her mark at a venture capital firm. She's shocked when she arrives at her older sister Bella's fabulous city apartment and discovers that gorgeous, confident and outgoing Bella is also a very successful and much in demand erotic model with plenty of scandalous secrets to reveal. But Bella, who is not as tough as she seems, is also facing the reality of the limited lifespan of her beauty-obsessed profession and yearning for a more stable and meaningful relationship with that one special person.  While Sophie is still burdened with some old-fashioned ideas about sexuality, she's also envious of Bella's glamorous, liberated girl-about-town lifestyle. And then there's all those beautiful new people she'll get to meet. There's so much more to learn about life and love from an ever-expanding group of vibrant, sexually-charged girlfriends and the men who hover around them.  LIFE ON TOP is based on the upcoming St. Martin's novel by Clara Darling.
This utterly gorgeous Gothic melodrama would be widely hailed as a masterpiece, had it not been made in Italy during the Mussolini regime. A gross injustice, as Malombra - unlike Piccolo Mondo Antico, Mario Soldati's earlier film of an Antonio Fogazzaro novel - contains not one moment of triumphalist flag-waving or Fascist family values. Oddly akin to Rebecca in its atmosphere of death-haunted romance and voluptuous doom, it reaches a peak of visual refinement of which Hitchcock could only dream.  Its star is Isa Miranda (famous, and not without reason, as Italy's answer to Garbo and Dietrich) playing a headstrong but unstable young noblewoman, confined by her uncle to a gloomy villa on the shores of Lake Como. A yellowed and crumbling letter, found in an old spinet, convinces her that she is the reincarnation of her uncle's first wife - another troubled beauty who died a virtual prisoner after being caught in a forbidden love affair. When a handsome young writer (Andrea Checchi) comes to stay, Miranda decides that HE is the reincarnation of the dead woman's lover. Gradually, she lures him into her web of sex and revenge...  What more to say without spoiling the fun Miranda gives a performance to rival any of the great divas of Hollywood. Only Davis and Stanwyck, perhaps, could play a bad girl so boldly without losing all sympathy. The evocation of 19th century aristocracy, in its full decadent splendour, is visually and dramatically flawless - a model for such later Italian gems as Visconti's Senso and The Innocent.  It helped, perhaps, that Soldati himself was a leading novelist. Blessed with an absolute respect for the classics he adapted, but in no way inhibited by them. He was also the guiding spirit of the now-forgotten 'calligraphic' movement, which brought the Italian cinema to such wondrous aesthetic heights during World War Two, only to collapse before the horror of Neo-Realism. Can we blame Soldati for giving up film-making in disgust and going back to writing novels  So if you've ever felt (as I do) that Rossellini's much-touted Rome - Open City is the work of an amateur...well, Malombra is the film you have to see!