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Anniyan is the story of Ramanujam Ambi Iyengar (Vikram), a lawyer who suffers from Multiple Personality Disorder. Ambi is an innocent and honest lawyer. If he comes across anyone not obeying the rules he files cases against them but all his efforts go in vain.  His constant habit to be perfect in rules and honesty leads him to develop a Multiple Personality Disorder in which a new character in him grows as Anniyan (Vikram) and starts a website called to hear people's complaints. The new character, Anniyan, is a violent man. When he is Ambi and comes across a person who does not obey rules he makes complaints in his website. When he is Anniyan, he goes and kills them by methods used for torturing people in hell. He apparently takes the definition of these methods from the Garuda Purana.
影片前半场,一般幸福家庭生活叙述,与出场人物描述,主角是有线电视营运商,家中成员在一次意想不到的情况下,杀了警政署长的儿子。虽然没有飞天遁地、以一人对抗十人的英雄,但这些叙述都是在为后半场铺陈,缺一不可。请耐住热血,用心看完。  影片后半场,主角如何顽抗警察,如何挽救家庭,宛如上帝般创造了日期,不在场的日期。这一连串的为什么…为什么会这样,…为什么会那样,整个剧情令您离不开沙发,憋尿也要看完知道为什么。  没有帅哥,没有美女,剧情贴近生活,又那么不可思议,看完后,最大的收获是:你又多一位偶像了。  虽然本片网络搜寻的知名度不高。但好片是大家模仿的对象。山寨版的重拍片(Drushyma泰卢固语)7月份已上映。  本片制作成本只有4500万卢比,票房收入却高达5亿印度卢比,成为史上最卖座马拉雅拉姆语影片,上映时间更是突破100天,获奖无数。——印坛字幕组