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一直作為米路斯.科曼劇本鐵三角(另一位是帕培錫,也是本片編劇之一)成員的艾雲.巴薩,當然也走低度戲劇路線。同是音樂家的彼德與卡洛老友重逢,生活狀況大不同,你有伴侶我有家庭,然而都有說不出的不明朗,唯有以酒與音樂代替口水。全片推展不問目的,只在剎那間的意圖,行行企企比起科曼更義無反顧,卻有生活淡如流水的詩意和繆思,叫觀眾聯想到二十年後的伊力.盧馬。巴薩鍾愛音樂的程度不下於文字和電影,古典音樂與民間音樂於全片迴轉迴盪,難怪成了奇斯洛夫斯基十大心愛電影之一。    康城影展青年評審團獎,美國全國影評人協會特別獎    這部1966年的珍品,是捷克新浪潮短暫生命中最佳作品之一。成名音樂家到小鎮探訪舊同學,舊同學是個窮音樂教師,有時在喪禮上吹奏樂曲。平凡的素材在巴素手裡,變出風趣復罕見的旋律,一部憂鬱的喜劇,或灰色喜劇。    - Dave Kehr, Chicago Reader    Ivan Passer's (Cutter's Way and Creator) last film to be made in his native Czechoslovakia is about friends – musician Petr and music teacher Karel – reunited when Petr returns to town for a performance. Passer frequently collaborated with Milos Forman and the episodic, low-action aesthetic that was evident in Forman's early work can be seen here. Years of separation have bred apprehension between the two men, and Karel's simmering jealousy makes their meeting all the more awkward. Eventually, the barriers crumble enough for the pair to freely discuss their lives. The film's simple beauty is in the details of the men's reacquainting themselves with each other, discovering each other's regrets and unfulfilled desires. Alive with pathos, humour and insight.    Special Award, National Society of Film Critics Awards    Its simple city mouse-country mouse story involves the meeting of two former schoolmates as they prepare for a small-town concert. Enlivened by Passer's flair for grotesquerie, this unassuming masterpiece maintains a delicate balance between hilarity and despair.    - Elliott Stein, Village Voice    Source HKIFF Czech New Wave 2006
在捷克小镇伊莱姆尼采 (Jilemnice) 住着不幸但勇敢而快乐的女人什捷帕·基利亚诺娃 (Štěpa Kiliánová),她唯一的愿望就是填补处女生活中的空虚。在绝望和过度信任中,她嫁给了一个冷嘲热讽、隐居的男人,前中尉和赌徒帕维尔·马利纳,他唯一的愿望是终于找到平静并忘记过去。他们经历了单相思、厌恶和失望。但没有人知道她的新郎开始出现脑部疾病的迹象,在接下来的几年里,这种疾病吞噬了他的理智。在捷克的一个名叫吉莱姆尼采的小镇上,住着一位勇敢而快乐的女人什捷帕·基利亚诺瓦 (Štěpa Kiliánová),她享受独立的生活,但也渴望结婚并组建家庭。后者被证明是困难的,因为大多数潜在的追求者并不认为她符合 1900 年代妻子的理想。出于过度的信任和结婚的愿望,她嫁给了她的表弟,一个冷嘲热讽、隐居的男人、前中尉和赌徒帕维尔·马利纳,他唯一的愿望就是找到平静并忘记过去。与此同时,新郎的父亲和哥哥对什捷帕的遗产很感兴趣,以挽救他们的农场免遭毁灭。什捷帕这边,这对夫妇经历了单相思、厌恶和失望,因为她的丈夫因梅毒而阳痿,没有圆房。他在部队度过了一段过度的生活方式。
In this film, a couple, after seeing the lovely job a friend of theirs has done in converting an old mill house into a cozy mansion, moves into an old farmhouse after persuading the current owner, an old man, to leave. When they arrive, he appears to be preparing to leave, but it soon becomes evident that the man has no intention of going to live with his children, and intends to stay in the house. At first, they find his presence unbearable, but when he must go to the hospital, they begin to realize that they care for the feisty old gentleman.  ~ Clarke Fountain, All Movie Guide