搜索"梅丽莎·古尔斯" ,找到 部影视作品

在挚友遭到残忍谋杀后,十六岁的丽姿被指控为唯 一的嫌疑犯,戴上电子脚镣居家监控。两年后的法 庭上,好斗的检察官和辩护律师轮番攻防,甚至公 开探挖起丽姿的性生活。冷酷无情的质询、不断揭 露的秘密,原本全心捍卫女儿无罪的父母也逐渐动 摇,他们过往所了解的,真的是女儿的全部吗
Marie, an independent and militant sex worker who has never needed to rely on anyone, not even to raise her son. When the latter is thrown off his post-graduate cookery course, Marie is unable to make her peace with it. Dreaming of a greater future for him, she decides to sign him up for one of the best cookery schools in France, but her income won’t cover the tuition fees. She needs to find a solution, at all costs. Even if it means leaving France…