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妙女神探 第七季
身为重案组里唯一的女性成员,简(安吉·哈蒙AngieHarmon饰)可一点也不输给她那些精明强干的男同事们。对于简来说,没有什么比时时保持警惕更为重要的了,她的那股子劲头,仿佛是在和整个世界作战。《妙女神探》(Rizzoli & Isles)是一部由Michael M. Robin执导的电视剧。剧集的编剧团队由Tess Gerritsen和Janet Tamaro等人组成。剧集的主要故事围绕着两位主角展开,分别是女警察简·瑞佐利(安吉·哈蒙饰)和法医梅琳达·艾尔斯(萨莎·亚历山大饰)。她们在波士顿警察局工作,一起解决各种复杂的犯罪案件。瑞佐利是一个坚强而聪明的警探,而艾尔斯则是一位冷静、专业的法医。她们共同合作,通过合力解决案件并展示出无与伦比的智慧和技能。《妙女神探》以其紧凑的情节和扣人心弦的剧情而受到观众的喜爱。每集都包含一个新的犯罪案件,观众将跟随瑞佐利和艾尔斯一起展开调查,解决谜团。剧集中的推理和破案过程充满悬疑和紧张感,让人无法离开屏幕。安吉·哈蒙和萨莎·亚历山大在剧中的表演出色,她们为角色赋予了个性和魅力。她们之间的化学反应和友情关系为剧集增添了温暖和情感层面。此外,李·汤普森·扬、布鲁斯·麦克吉尔、约旦·布里奇斯和比利·伯克等演员也为剧集带来了精彩的表演。
紧急呼救 第四季
故事讲述在美国东北部一个小镇的农场,一个怀抱音乐理想的男孩,在追求爱情与理想的道路上历经的艰辛。男主人公曾被迫接受性向矫正治疗,在另一个男孩爱情的感召下,他终于有勇气面对内心最深处的渴望。但是,他们的爱情面临着来自亲情的最大挑战,同性恋的儿子如何面对来自父亲的诘问?又如何面对追求他 的姑娘?这一场爱情与亲情,理想与现实之间的博弈最终迎来怎样的结局呢?……
  Jake Cullen (Bill Kerr) lives with his grandson in the Australian outback when a massive razorback boar attacks him, destroying his house and killing his grandson. He is accused of murder and his dignity is destroyed.  Two years later, a wildlife reporter, Beth Winters, journeys to the outback to document the hunting of Australian wildlife to be used as animal food, processed in a large factory, but she is attacked by two deranged locals, Benny and Dicko, who leave her to be killed by the beast. Her husband, Carl, goes in search of her, and aids Jake Cullen and his young associate, Sarah Cameron, in hunting for the razorback responsible for her death.  As they search for the creature, Benny and Dicko worry that they may be associated with the murder of Beth Winters, so they attack Cullen and leave him to be killed by the boar. Vowing revenge for his wife and his friend, Carl finds Benny and lowers him into a mineshaft, presumably killing him, and finds Dicko in the factory. Before he can kill him, the razorback surges and mauls Dicko to death before chasing after Carl and Sarah, where they face off inside the processing factory. Carl lures the Boar (having speared it with a pole) into pursuing him down a conveyor belt, at the end of which is a large industrial fan. Not able to stop itself, the boar falls to its demise onto the blade/fins killing it, while Carl rescues Sarah.