搜索"伊琳娜·库普琴科" ,找到 部影视作品

A wizard invents characters who all come to life and start to arrive at his house a King, his servants, a princes, a bear trapped in a man's body - the usual lot. The Plot mainly rotates around the bear, who the wizard had turned into a man. The Bear, who wishes to be a bear once again, can turn into his old self if he were to kiss a princess. It gets complicated when he falls in love with that princess, that arrived at the wizard's house. For how can they be together, if a single kiss will destroy their love
厌倦了都市的枯燥和紧张气氛,正当盛年的大学教授安德烈•瓦伦迪诺维奇(Marat Basharov 饰)携妻子伊娃和女儿萨琛妮卡来到一个偏远小镇居住,他在当地的女子教会小学找到一份工作,而且校方专门把萨琛妮卡安排在安德烈所担任班主任的班级中。这一切都让他倍感满意和幸福。然而喜悦并未持续多久,在上班的第一天他便陷入焦虑之中。他所负责的班上曾有一名叫索妮卡的女孩跳楼自杀,班上的学生则对这起事故三缄其口。不久他更目睹一起校园暴力事件,挨打的女孩却不愿安德烈介入。疑惑和忧虑让安德烈有意识地去探究原因,结果发现,这群长着天使般面孔的女孩子背后隐藏着不为人知的阴暗邪恶的秘密……